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Team Baseball
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Annual Membership
Includes access to all that InMotion Baseball has to offer for the coach and 14 players or assistants:
Study guide area where the coach can post certain rotations for the entire team.
Entire animated defensive playbook for the entire team.
Over 300 animated Defensive rotations for the entire team.
Access to entire video library for the entire team.
Access to entire drills area for the entire team.
$395.00 Annually
Less than $27 annually per user!
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League/Academy Baseball
Full Access
Annual Membership
Includes access to all that InMotion Baseball has to offer for the coach and 100 users:
Study guide area where the Admin can post certain rotations for
all users
Entire animated defensive playbook for
all users
Over 300 animated Defensive rotations for all users.
Access to entire video library for the entire for all users.
Access to entire drills area for all users.
$999.00 Annually
Less than $10 annually per user!
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Best of Show Award
American Baseball Coaches Association
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